We Will Not Be Silenced: Join Greenpeace’s Day of Action

In a classic SLAPP, Greenpeace USA is being sued for $300 million by Energy Transfer, the company behind the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Last month, Greenpeace USA launched a national campaign to bring awareness to the lawsuit and to what is at stake for all protesters in this case. The case is set to go to trial in February 2025.

This lawsuit is part of a broader attack on our fundamental rights of free speech and protest, and the Protect the Protest coalition stands by its motto that an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. Therefore, as a PtP member organization and as a SLAPP target, Greenpeace USA has our unwavering support.

Next Wednesday, September 25, as part of Climate Week, Greenpeace is planning a global day of action to send a clear message to Energy Transfer: We Will Not Be Silenced. If you or your organization is interested in participating, please fill out the Day of Action Form so that Greenpeace can follow up with more details.

A victory for Energy Transfer in this trial would set a dangerous precedent, leading to more intimidation against unions, activists, journalists, and all who exercise their right to dissent. But together, we can fight back and show them that their corporate bullying only strengthens our resolve.


Greenpeace launches campaign in advance of February 2025 SLAPP trial